
Annual Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Analysis

Empire is committed to providing our clients with individualized resources and expertise to face the constantly changing long-term care landscape One of our most effective ways of accomplishing this is through our Annual Comprehensive Risk Assessment and Analysis. Our consultants visit your facility and perform a deep dive into operational and clinical areas that pose significant risk and provide recommendations for mitigation. Clinical on-site assessments are conducted, while simultaneously reviewing electronic health records to analyze clinical patterns that could be problematic. Operational opportunities for improvement are assessed during the tour of the physical plant and service areas including dietary, housekeeping, laundry, maintenance, activities and the beauty shop. Additionally, consultants identify issues beneath the surface that can cause regulatory citations such as failure to conduct criminal background checks for abuse or neglecting to update the emergency preparedness plan. We educate staff as we perform the assessment and subsequently provide a comprehensive report detailing risk observations and recommendations for mitigation. When these reports are delivered, Empire provides a response template that allows facilities to document their corrections and subsequently present the findings in their monthly Quality Assessment Process Improvement (QAPI) meetings. This serves to be most beneficial to facilities that fully implement the recommendations.

Assistance with Contracted Facilities for Critical Incidents

24-7 Risk Management – Consultants are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you when there is a serious accident, abuse allegation, elopement or avoidable clinical decline.

Professional Liability and Claims

Empire receives and processes all professional liability claims in client facilities. Lawyers are assigned to cases by Empire’s in-house attorney. Ongoing oversight of active claims is provided, and each facility receives a quarterly litigation report. Empire also assists legal counsel in coordinating depositions and responses to discovery.

Medical Record Reviews for Cause

Upon facility notification, Empire reviews all law firm medical record requests. Additionally, per request, we will review the medical records of residents whom the facility deems to be possible litigation risks.